동물의숲 괴담 (동숲 괴담/모동숲괴담) - ANIMAL CROSSING FEAR STRANGE STORY 본문
오늘은 동물의숲과 관련된 괴담에 대한 포스팅을 진행하고자 합니다. 항상 평화로운 게임, 영화등에도 많은 괴담들이있는데 동물의숲에도 여러가지 괴담들이 있더라고요.
Today, I will talk about strange ghost story about 'ANIMAL CROSSING'
외국인들이 보라고 영어번역을 넣었습니다.
한국인분들은 영어부분을 쭉 넘겨서 보세요 ㅎㅎ

첫번째괴담: 동물의숲 주민이 게임이란걸 깨달은 순간
Filbert 한국에서의 이름은 리키인 다람쥐와 대화를 나눈 장면이다. 리키는 루머에 대해 이야기를 시작한다. 지금 살고 있는 섬은 게임이라는 루머이다. 그러면서 이상한 점에 대해 얘기한다. 과일이 너무빨리자란다. 목재가 3종류가 나온다. 좋은 음악이 깔린다. 너굴이 소라껍질같은 이상한 물건을 사준다. 이러한 이유로 갑자기 동물의숲 세계에 대해 의심하지만 마지막에 꿈을 꿨다며 마무리 짓는다. 그러나 게임이라는 것을 알고 있는 우리의 입장에서는 굉장히 소름이 돋는다.
Filbert doubts the strange things about the island of animal crossing and realizes that the island he lives on is a game. You can see this content through the pictures below.

두번째괴담: 트러플에게 쓴 편지
SECOND STROY: A letter to truffles
몇년전 마음에 안드는 트러플이라는 캐릭터를 괴롭히고 때리고 마을에서 사라지라는 편지를 썼다. 그 편지를 가지고 다니며 다른 친구들에게 최고의 친구라며 보여주고 다니는 모습에 더이상 동물의숲을 하지 않게되고 닌텐도를 동생에게 주었다. 그리고 3년뒤 경품으로 닌텐도를 받게되어 새로 동물의숲을 구매해서 동생과 서로 마을에 놀러다니며 돌았다. 그러던 어느날 본인의 마을에 새 이웃이 이사를 오게 되는데 그는 트러플이었다. 예전에 괴롭혔던게 미안해서 그런지 이번에는 잘 대해줬는데 트러플이 편지를 보여줬는데 그 편지는 예전에 내가 빨리 사라지라고 보냈던 편지였다.
A few years ago, I wrote a letter telling me to bully, beat and disappear from the village with a few years ago, I didn't like the character I didn't like. He carried the letter and showed it to other friends saying that it was his best friend, so he stopped doing the animal forest and gave Nintendo to his younger brother. After 3 years, I got Nintendo as a prize and bought a new animal forest and went around the village with my younger brother. Then one day, a new neighbor moved into his village and he was a truffle. I was sorry to bother you before, so I treated you well this time, but Truffle showed me the letter and it was a letter I sent to quickly disappear.
a story posted by a man named B
-When I was in the East Forest a few years ago... I didn't like the character Truffle who came in as a villager, so I hit my head with a dragonfly and said bad things, and he didn't even like me. So I wrote a letter to him and sent it to him saying, "Get out of my village." And he carried it around with him and said, "Look, Tatama (My character's name at the time) is my best friend! I didn't play the game anymore because I was in reality because I showed my letter to Hate.
About three years later, I got another Nintendo DS as a prize, so I bought another forest pack and played with my younger brother in the village. It's been more than 3 years, so there were a lot of weeds. My brother used my new pack to decorate each other's village and go back and forth. At that point, more than 3 years have passed, so the truffle I hated was already moving out of my brother's pack, and I forgot about it, but one day a new immigrant came into my new pack.
I was so surprised that I didn't like him. I tried to be nice to her; I was being kind to her, but she... sent me a letter from a close friend of mine. Do you want to see, do you want to send a letter?
I wrote a letter to Hate 6 years ago,

세번째괴담: 무인도의 비밀
모여봐요 동물의숲을 진행하다보면 유령을 만나는데 유령과 헤어지고나면 너굴이 입막음을 위해서 편지와 마일을 보낸다는 내용이다. 과연 게임속 섬의 비밀을 무엇일까?
If you play 'ANIMAL CROSSING', you will meet a ghost. After breaking up with this ghost, Tom Nook sends letters and miles to silence. What is the secret of the island in the game?
+ When you shake a tree, surveillance cameras sometimes fall.

네번째괴담: 모여봐요동물의숲 이동식화장실괴담
+Fourth story: mobile toilet ghost story
모여봐요 동물의숲에 이동식화장실이라는 가구를 건들면 똑똑소리가 나는데 계속 만지다 보면 똑똑똑소리가난다고 한다.
When you touch a furniture called a mobile toilet, you can hear a knock knock, but if you keep touching it, you can hear a knock knock knock knock knock (sounds like who feels angry).

다섯번째괴담: 만우절 토빗의 무서움
Fifth story: April Fool's Rabbit's Fear
토빗에게 가까이 갔다가 멀어지면 토빗이 한숨을 쉬며 안좋은 기분을 보여준다. 이러한 토빗이 뭔가 집착하는 듯한 모습을 보여 공포스러운 모습이 나오는 듯하다.
When gets close to the rabbit and moves away, the rabbit sighs and shows a bad feeling. The rabbit seems to be obsessed with something, making it look scary.

Let's go find the eggs.
Aren't you going to look for it?Aren't you going to look for it?Aren't you going to look for it?Aren't you going to look for it?Aren't you going to look for it?Aren't you going to look for it?Aren't you going to look for it?Aren't you going to look for it?Aren't you going to look for it?Aren't you going to look for it?Aren't you going to look for it?Aren't you going to look for it?Aren't you going to look for it?Aren't you going to look for it?Aren't you going to look for it?Aren't you going to look for it?Aren't you going to look for it?Aren't you going to look for it?Aren't you going to look for it?Aren't you going to look for it?Aren't you going to look for it?Aren't you going to look for it?Aren't you going to look for it?Aren't you going to look for it?Aren't you going to look for it?Aren't you going to look for it?Aren't you going to look for it?
이상 동물의숲 괴담에 대한 포스팅이었습니다.
재밌으셨다면 이웃추가, 좋아요 눌러주세요 ㅎㅎ
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